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Under 9 (Year 4)

Team info

Under 9 (Year 4)

The tackle is a skill which requires a good deal of coaching, encouragement and confidence building and is the only new element introduced at this age group so that it can be coached properly. However it is also recognised that...

Under 9 (Year 4)
Under 9 (Year 4)
Under 9 (Year 4)

About the team

The tackle is a skill which requires a good deal of coaching, encouragement and confidence building and is the only new element introduced at this age group so that it can be coached properly. However it is also recognised that some children lack confidence.

Personal and Social

Be a team player

The child:

  • Takes turns
  • Shares
  • Praises others
  • Works sensibly with others
  • Includes others
  • Does not exclude others.

Be confident

The child:

  • Asks for help when he or she doesn’t understand
  • Perseveres with a task
  • Copes well with failure.

Physical and Movement

Coordinate actions

The child can:

  • Run and catch
  • Run and pass
  • Run and tackle

Perform a range of skills with some control and consistency

The child can:

  • Pass accurately while running
  • Catch and pass accurately while running.

Game Understanding

Understand performance (how to improve)

The child can:

  • Understand ways to judge team/individual performance
  • Identify specific parts of team/individual performance on which to work.

Find own solutions

The child:

  • Is willing to explore different ideas
  • Can work with others to explore and use different tactics
  • Can use a range of tactics.

Skill Focus


The child can:

  • Advance on an opponent
  • Track an opponent
  • Grasp an opponent to make them pass
  • Understand and demonstrate a correct tackle (side and rear).


The child can:

  • Explain the process of the tackle (side and rear)
  • Perform safely a side and rear tackle through the progressions (kneel, squat, stand, walk, jog)
  • Perform a safe tackle in a game situation.


  • 7 v 7
  • 60 x 30m
  • Introduction of Tackle
  • A tackle is defined as a tackle below the waist or a ‘grasp’ below the arm pits for 3 seconds. The ball carrier must be allowed to pass the ball; no competition for the ball from the defender.
  • Size 3 ball

Competition Framework

  • Inter-club
  • Triangular
  • Festival: round robin, rock up and play. No leagues or knock-out.

7-a-side Transitional Contact game

1. Pitch size 30 x 60
2. No scrums, line-out, rucks, mauls
3. All restarts to be Free-Pass
4. Opponents must be 7 metres back from the free pass
5. Any player who is on their feet and has the ball may be tackled
6. The tackle is any action by the defending team which results in a hold on the ball carrier:*
Note 1: Any tackle level with or above the armpit is to be considered a high tackle.
Note 2: The scrag-type tackle (e.g. swinging the player round by the shirt) must be considered dangerous play and must be penalised.
7. Neither the tackler or any member of the defending team can contest the ball and the tackled player must be allowed to pass or roll the ball
8. The off-side line is the ball carrier – and is over when the next receiver has the ball
9. The referee will call “tackle” when the ball carrier has been tackled
10. After 6 tackles (ie the 7th tackle) the ball will be turned over (free pass)
*The tackled player may be tackled to ground, but must be allowed to play the ball. If this is a place, pop or roll back the off side line remains in place until the ball is played by an attacker. Where the player is standing or going forward the referee will allow approximately 3 seconds before calling tackle.



March 2025
Sun, Mar 30
09:15 - 10:45
April 2025
Sun, Apr 6
09:15 - 10:45
Sun, Apr 13
09:15 - 10:45
Alex Dow
Under 9 (Year 4) Assistant Coach
Alex Dow
haydn paul
Under 9 (Year 4) Head Coach
haydn paul
Euan Smith
Under 9 (Year 4) Coach
Euan Smith

Team news

Tackle Hero
Tackle Hero